Hi there 👋
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
changed title "Train
"custommodels"custom models in the app to generate images of a specific person or object in multiple styles and poses "Be able to take a satisfactorily generated image, e.g. of a person, and use that person as part of a prompt with new prompt text to generate the same person in different situations, different poses and expressions, different clothing/hairstyles.
In addition, be able to keep the scene and the character in its current configuration and prompt to only change what the character is doing in the scene.
Yes please
This I can see is also a request that's been attended to, thanks we all have brilliant ideas to be attended to.
Yes, this will enable more generated options to the users, who then can opt to select what he wants to keep and saves time in making repeated requests that consume time. Understand it would keep server resource busy, but helps it being More Efficient!!!
We need a bit more flesh on this add-on. We must be able to pick the image we want the changes made to. At times there will be more than one image on the canvas. The other thing is that if there is a deformity we need fixed. It would be nice to have such a pick to fix the deformity instead of recommending the prompt to regenerate the image, fixing the limp afterward. I take it for granted that when repositioning any one or more than one image the background will automatically blend in, by fixing the background gaps created by the change of an image stans.
Love this idea.. can have images in different poses pointing to areas on screen
I concur
Love it.
I agree
Yes please
Yes please, huge timesaver
yes, would love to have this improved
@eleanorhope21 Same to
Yes please.
This feature has been implemented you can see how to use it here: