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together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
changed description "Adding this here as requested by support. Most importantImprove inpaint output.Eg in attached example, all I wanted was a vertical, near black wall changed to blue tiles. Less important
Improveinpaintoutput.Eginattachedexample,allIwantedwasavertiucal,nearblackwallchangedtobluetiles.Lessimportantboutbut would behelpfulInpainthelpfulInpaint needs a Ctrl Z to undo the last brush stroke VS clear all brush strokesInpaint needs a way to change brush size for small areas, as the AI has difficulty in understanding that some brush strokesInpaintneedsawaytochangebrushsizeforsmallareas,astheAIhasdifficultyinunderstandingthatsomebrushstrokestouch areas that shouldntobenot be changed. "changed description "Adding this here as requested by support. Most
importantImproveimportant Improve inpaint output.Eg in attached example, all I wanted was a vertical, nearblackblack, wall changed to blue tiles. Less important but would behelpfulInpainthelpful Inpaint needs a Ctrl Z to undo the last brush stroke VS clear all brushstrokesInpaintneedsastrokes Inpaint needs a way to change brush size for small areas, as the AI has difficulty in understanding that some brush strokes touch areas that should not be changed. "