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I know this is something that has been requested many many times (I know I have, and many others that also are digital designers have as well) and with the new changes it has become more apparent than ever that it is needed quickly!
I am a clipart designer, today I have made over 700 images in total and I have to download each one individually in AI Advanced despite being able to create a folder to place them in before I start. Why cant I just download everything in that folder ? - isnt that why a folder is made ?
I ADORE artistly! I have had it since the week after it started. It does amazing work and if you prompt it right it is as good as 3.0 but the watercolour finish side still needs some work (its still too staged and isnt as fluid). I can let that slide .. BUT what lets it really down is having to download each image individually instead in bulk. That wastes so much valuable time having to do so and for someone that creates on her ipad while watching TV or being out at sports with my kids (and then downloads from my laptop at a later time, rather download as I create, its extremely frustrating to waste as much time as I do having to work like this.
This long individual downloading process makes me want to go back to paying for midjourney, at least there I can bulk download.
Please can we get a timeline for when this be available or if we are even being heard on this request.
Thanks for your time.
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